Source code for common.prosper_logging


A unified logger for all Prosper python scripts.  Easy extensions included to make life easy

    import prosper.common.prosper_logging as p_log

    LogBuilder = p_log.ProsperLogger(
        bool:debug_mode [optional]

    LogBuilder.configure_discord_logger() # log ERROR/CRITICAL to Discord

    if DEBUG:

    logger = LogBuilder.get_logger()


from os import path, makedirs, access, W_OK
import logging
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
import warnings
from enum import Enum
import re

import requests

import prosper.common.prosper_config as p_config
import prosper.common.exceptions as exceptions

HERE = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
ME = __file__.replace('.py', '')
CONFIG_ABSPATH = path.join(HERE, 'common_config.cfg')

COMMON_CONFIG = p_config.ProsperConfig(CONFIG_ABSPATH)


DEFAULT_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('NULL')

SILENCE_OVERRIDE = False  # deactivate webhook loggers for testmode

[docs]class ReportingFormats(Enum): """Enum for storing handy log formats""" DEFAULT = '[%(asctime)s;%(levelname)s;%(filename)s;%(funcName)s;%(lineno)s{custom_args}] %(message)s' PRETTY_PRINT = '[%(levelname)s:%(filename)s--%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s{custom_args}]\n%(message).1000s' STDOUT = '[%(levelname)s:%(filename)s--%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s{custom_args}] %(message)s' SLACK_PRINT = '%(message).1000s'
[docs]class ProsperLogger(object): """One logger to rule them all. Build the right logger for your script in a few easy steps Attributes: logger (logging.Logger): current built logger (use get_logger() to fetch) log_name (str): the name of the log/log_object log_path (str): path for logfile. abspath > relpath log_info (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of 'handler_name @ log_level' for debug log_handlers (:obj:`list` of :obj:`logging.handlers`): collection of all handlers attached (for testing) Todo: * add args/local/global config priority management """ _debug_mode = False def __init__( self, log_name, log_path, config_obj=COMMON_CONFIG, custom_args='', ): """ProsperLogger initialization Attributes: log_name (str): the name of the log/log_object log_path (str): path for logfile. abspath > relpath config_obj (:obj:`configparser.ConfigParser`, optional): config object for loading default behavior custom_args (str): special ID to include in (ALL) messages """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(log_name) if not isinstance(config_obj, p_config.ProsperConfig): raise TypeError self.config = config_obj self.log_name = log_name self.log_path = test_logpath(log_path) self.log_info = [] self.log_handlers = [] self.configure_default_logger( log_freq='midnight', log_total=30, log_level='INFO', custom_args=custom_args )
[docs] def get_logger(self): """return the logger for the user""" return self.logger
def __str__(self): """return list of 'handler_name @ log_level' for debug""" return ','.join(self.log_info) def __iter__(self): """returns each handler in order""" for handler in self.log_handlers: yield handler
[docs] def close_handles(self): """cannot delete logs unless handles are closed (windows)""" for handle in self.logger.handlers: handle.close()
def _configure_common( self, prefix, fallback_level, fallback_format, handler_name, handler, custom_args='' ): """commom configuration code Args: prefix (str): A prefix for the `log_level` and `log_format` keys to use with the config. #FIXME: Hacky, add separate sections for each logger config? fallback_level (str): Fallback/minimum log level, for if config does not have one. fallback_format (str): Fallback format for if it's not in the config. handler_name (str): Handler used in debug messages. handler (str): The handler to configure and use. custom_args (str): special ID to include in messages """ ## Retrieve settings from config ## log_level = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', prefix + 'log_level', None, fallback_level ) log_format_name = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', prefix + 'log_format', None, None ) log_format = ReportingFormats[log_format_name].value if log_format_name else fallback_format log_format = log_format.format(custom_args=custom_args) # should work even if no {custom_args} ## Attach handlers/formatter ## formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(log_level) self.logger.addHandler(handler) if not self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.getLevelName(log_level)): # make sure logger level is not lower than handler level self.logger.setLevel(log_level) ## Save info about handler created ## self.log_info.append(handler_name + ' @ ' + str(log_level)) self.log_handlers.append(handler)
[docs] def configure_default_logger( self, log_freq='midnight', log_total=30, log_level='INFO', log_format=ReportingFormats.DEFAULT.value, custom_args='' ): """default logger that every Prosper script should use!! Args: log_freq (str): TimedRotatingFileHandle_str -- log_total (int): how many log_freq periods between log rotations log_level (str): minimum desired log level log_format (str): format for logging messages custom_args (str): special ID to include in (ALL) messages """ ## Override defaults if required ## log_freq = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'log_freq', None, log_freq ) log_total = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'log_total', None, log_total ) ## Set up log file handles/name ## log_filename = self.log_name + '.log' log_abspath = path.join(self.log_path, log_filename) general_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( log_abspath, when=log_freq, interval=1, backupCount=int(log_total) ) self._configure_common( '', log_level, log_format, 'default', general_handler, custom_args=custom_args )
[docs] def configure_debug_logger( self, log_level='DEBUG', log_format=ReportingFormats.STDOUT.value, custom_args='' ): """debug logger for stdout messages. Replacement for print() Note: Will try to overwrite minimum log level to enable requested log_level Args: log_level (str): desired log level for handle log_format (str): format for logging messages custom_args (str): special ID to include in messages """ self._configure_common( 'debug_', log_level, log_format, 'Debug', logging.StreamHandler(), custom_args=custom_args )
[docs] def configure_discord_logger( self, discord_webhook=None, discord_recipient=None, log_level='ERROR', log_format=ReportingFormats.PRETTY_PRINT.value, custom_args='' ): """logger for sending messages to Discord. Easy way to alert humans of issues Note: Will try to overwrite minimum log level to enable requested log_level Will warn and not attach hipchat logger if missing webhook key Learn more about webhooks: Args: discord_webhook (str): discord room webhook (full URL) discord_recipient (`str`:<@int>, optional): user/group to notify log_level (str): desired log level for handle log_format (str): format for logging messages custom_args (str): special ID to include in messages """ # Override defaults if required # discord_webhook = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'discord_webhook', None, discord_webhook ) discord_recipient = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'discord_recipient', None, discord_recipient ) log_level = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'discord_level', None, log_level ) # Actually build discord logging handler # discord_obj = DiscordWebhook() discord_obj.webhook(discord_webhook) # vv TODO vv: Test review # if discord_obj.can_query: discord_handler = HackyDiscordHandler( discord_obj, discord_recipient ) self._configure_common( 'discord_', log_level, log_format, 'Discord', discord_handler, custom_args=custom_args ) else: warnings.warn( 'Unable to execute webhook', exceptions.WebhookCreateFailed )
# ^^ TODO ^^ #
[docs] def configure_slack_logger( self, slack_webhook=None, log_level='ERROR', log_format=ReportingFormats.SLACK_PRINT.value, custom_args='' ): """logger for sending messages to Slack. Easy way to alert humans of issues Note: Will try to overwrite minimum log level to enable requested log_level Will warn and not attach hipchat logger if missing webhook key Learn more about webhooks: Args: slack_webhook (str): slack bot webhook (full URL) log_level (str): desired log level for handle log_format (str): format for logging messages custom_args (str): special ID to include in messages """ # Override defaults if required # slack_webhook = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'slack_webhook', None, slack_webhook ) log_level = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'slack_level', None, log_level ) # Actually build slack logging handler # # vv TODO vv: Test review # slack_handler = HackySlackHandler( slack_webhook ) self._configure_common( 'slack_', log_level, log_format, 'Slack', slack_handler, custom_args=custom_args )
# ^^ TODO ^^ #
[docs] def configure_hipchat_logger( self, hipchat_webhook=None, log_level='ERROR', log_format=ReportingFormats.PRETTY_PRINT.value, custom_args='' ): """logger for sending messages to HipChat. Easy way to alert humans of issues Note: Will try to overwrite minimum log level to enable requested log_level Will warn and not attach hipchat logger if missing webhook key Learn more about webhooks: Args: hipchat_webhook (str): slack bot webhook (full URL) log_level (str): desired log level for handle log_format (str): format for logging messages custom_args (str): special ID to include in messages """ # Override defaults if required # hipchat_webhook = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'hipchat_webhook', None, hipchat_webhook ) log_level = self.config.get_option( 'LOGGING', 'hipchat_level', None, log_level ) # Actually build HipChat logging handler # # vv TODO vv: Test review # try: hipchat_handler = HackyHipChatHandler( hipchat_webhook ) self._configure_common( 'hipchat_', log_level, log_format, 'HipChat', hipchat_handler, custom_args=custom_args ) except Exception as error_msg: raise error_msg
# ^^ TODO ^^ #
[docs]def test_logpath(log_path, debug_mode=False): """Tests if logger has access to given path and sets up directories Note: Should always yield a valid path. May default to script directory Will throw warnings.RuntimeWarning if permissions do not allow file write at path Args: log_path (str): path to desired logfile. Abspath > relpath debug_mode (bool): way to make debug easier by forcing path to local Returns: str: path to log if path exists or can be created, will return log_path else returns '.' as "local path only" response """ if debug_mode: return '.' #if debug, do not deploy to production paths ## Try to create path to log ## if not path.exists(log_path): try: makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True) except PermissionError as err_permission: #UNABLE TO CREATE LOG PATH warning_msg = ( 'Unable to create logging path. Defaulting to \'.\'' + 'log_path={0}'.format(log_path) + 'exception={0}'.format(err_permission) ) warnings.warn( warning_msg, RuntimeWarning ) return '.' ## Make sure logger can write to path ## if not access(log_path, W_OK): #UNABLE TO WRITE TO LOG PATH warning_msg = ( 'Lacking write permissions to path. Defaulting to \'.\'' + 'log_path={0}'.format(log_path) ) warnings.warn( warning_msg, RuntimeWarning ) return '.' #TODO: windows behavior requires abspath to existing file return log_path
[docs]class DiscordWebhook(object): """Helper object for parsing info and testing discord webhook credentials Attributes: webhook_url (str): address of webhook endpoint serverid (int): Discord 'guild' webhook is attached to api_key (`str`:uuid): unique ID for webhook """ __base_url = '' __webhook_url_format = __base_url + r"(\d+)/([\w-]+)" def __init__(self): """DiscordWebhook initialization""" self.webhook_url = '' self.serverid = 0 self.api_key = '' self.can_query = False self.webhook_response = None
[docs] def webhook(self, webhook_url): """Load object with webhook_url Args: webhook_url (str): full webhook url given by Discord 'create webhook' func """ if not webhook_url: raise Exception('Url can not be None') matcher = re.match(self.__webhook_url_format, webhook_url) if not matcher: raise Exception('Invalid url format, looking for: ' + self.__webhook_url_format) self.api_keys(int(,
[docs] def api_keys(self, serverid, api_key): """Load object with id/API pair Args: serverid (int): Discord 'guild' webhook is attached to api_key (`str`:uuid): unique ID for webhook """ if serverid and api_key: self.can_query = True # Yes, we _are_ (will be) configured self.serverid = int(serverid) self.api_key = api_key self.webhook_url = self.__base_url + str(self.serverid) + '/' + self.api_key
[docs] def get_webhook_info(self): """Ping Discord endpoint to make sure webhook is valid and working""" if not self.can_query: raise RuntimeError('webhook information not loaded, cannot query') raise NotImplementedError('requests call to discord server for API info: TODO') # pragma: no cover
def __bool__(self): return self.can_query def __str__(self): return self.webhook_url
[docs]class HackyDiscordHandler(logging.Handler): """Custom logging.Handler for pushing messages to Discord Should be able to push messages to any REST webhook with small adjustments Stolen from Discord webhook API docs: """ def __init__(self, webhook_obj, alert_recipient=None): # pragma: no cover """HackyDiscordHandler init Args: webhook_obj (:obj:`DiscordWebhook`): discord webhook has all the info for connection alert_recipients (`str`:<@int>, optional): user/group to notify """ logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.webhook_obj = webhook_obj if not self.webhook_obj: # test if it's configured raise Exception('Webhook not configured.') self.api_url = webhook_obj.webhook_url self.alert_recipient = alert_recipient self.alert_length = 0 if self.alert_recipient: self.alert_length = len(self.alert_recipient)
[docs] def emit(self, record): # pragma: no cover """required classmethod for logging to execute logging message""" if record.exc_text: record.exc_text = '```python\n{0}\n```'.format(record.exc_text) # recast to code block log_msg = self.format(record) if len(log_msg) + self.alert_length > DISCORD_MESSAGE_LIMIT: log_msg = log_msg[:(DISCORD_MESSAGE_LIMIT - DISCORD_PAD_SIZE)] if self.alert_recipient and record.levelno == logging.CRITICAL: log_msg = log_msg + '\n' + str(self.alert_recipient) self.send_msg_to_webhook(log_msg)
[docs] def send_msg_to_webhook(self, message): """separated Requests logic for easier testing Args: message (str): actual logging string to be passed to REST endpoint Todo: * Requests.text/json return for better testing options """ payload = { 'content':message } header = { 'Content-Type':'application/json' } try: request = self.api_url, headers=header, json=payload ) request.raise_for_status() except Exception as error_msg: #pragma: no cover warning_msg = ( 'EXCEPTION: UNABLE TO COMMIT LOG MESSAGE' + '\n\texception={0}'.format(repr(error_msg)) + '\n\tmessage={0}'.format(message) ) warnings.warn( warning_msg, exceptions.WebhookFailedEmitWarning )
[docs] def test(self, message): """testing hook for exercising webhook directly""" # TODO: remove and just use send_msg_to_webhook? try: self.send_msg_to_webhook(message) except Exception as error_msg: raise error_msg
[docs]class HackySlackHandler(logging.Handler): """Custom logging.Handler for pushing messages to Slack""" def __init__(self, webhook_url): # pragma: no cover logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.webhook_url = webhook_url
[docs] def emit(self, record): log_payload = self.decorate(record) if record.exc_text: record.exc_text = '```\n{0}\n```'.format(record.exc_text) # recast to code block log_msg = self.format(record) self.send_msg_to_webhook(log_payload, log_msg)
[docs] def decorate(self, record): """add slack-specific flourishes to responses Args: record (:obj:`logging.record`): message to log Returns: (:obj:`dict`): attachments object for reporting """ attachments = {} ## Set color if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR: attachments['color'] = 'warning' #builtin if record.levelno >= logging.CRITICAL: attachments['color'] = 'danger' #builtin ## Log text attach_text = '{levelname}: {name} {module}.{funcName}:{lineno}'.format( levelname=record.levelname,, module=record.module, funcName=record.funcName, lineno=record.lineno ) attachments['text'] = attach_text attachments['fallback'] = attach_text return attachments
[docs] def send_msg_to_webhook(self, json_payload, log_msg): """push message out to webhook Args: json_payload (:obj:`dict`): preformatted payload a la log_msg (str): actual log message """ if SILENCE_OVERRIDE: # pragma: no cover return payload = { 'text': log_msg, 'attachments':[json_payload] } header = { 'Content-Type':'application/json' } try: request = self.webhook_url, headers=header, json=payload ) request.raise_for_status() except Exception as error_msg: #pragma: no cover warning_msg = ( 'EXCEPTION: UNABLE TO COMMIT LOG MESSAGE' + '\n\texception={0}'.format(repr(error_msg)) + '\n\tmessage={0}'.format(log_msg) ) warnings.warn( warning_msg, exceptions.WebhookFailedEmitWarning )
[docs]class HackyHipChatHandler(logging.Handler): """custom logging.Handler for pushing messages to HipChat""" def __init__(self, webhook_url): # pragma: no cover logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.webhook_url = webhook_url
[docs] def decorate(self, record): """Build up HipChat specific values for log record Args: record (:obj:`logging.record`): log message object Returns: dict: params for POST request """ color = 'gray' if record.levelno == logging.WARNING: color = 'yellow' if record.levelno == logging.INFO: color = 'green' if record.levelno == logging.DEBUG: color = 'gray' if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR: color = 'red' notify = False if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR: nofiy = True payload = { 'color': color, 'notify': notify, 'message_format': 'text' } return payload
[docs] def emit(self, record): log_payload = self.decorate(record) exc_text = '' if record.exc_text: exc_text = '/code {}'.format(record.exc_text) record.ext_text = None # mute exc from emit record.ext_info = None # mute exc from emit log_msg = self.format(record) self.send_msg_to_webhook(log_payload, log_msg) if exc_text: self.send_msg_to_webhook(log_payload, exc_text)
[docs] def send_msg_to_webhook( self, json_payload, log_msg ): """todo""" if SILENCE_OVERRIDE: return params = {**json_payload, 'message': log_msg} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: req = self.webhook_url, headers=headers, json=params ) req.raise_for_status() except Exception as error_msg: warning_msg = ( 'EXCEPTION: UNABLE TO COMMIT LOG MESSAGE' + '\n\texception={0}'.format(repr(error_msg)) + '\n\tmessage={0}'.format(log_msg) ) warnings.warn( warning_msg, exceptions.WebhookFailedEmitWarning )