Source code for common.prosper_config


Unified config parsing and option picking against config objects


from os import path, getenv
import configparser
from configparser import ExtendedInterpolation
import logging
import re

import anyconfig
import anytemplate

JINJA_PATTERN = re.compile(r'.*{{\S*}}.*')
[docs]def render_secrets( config_path, secret_path, ): """combine a jinja template with a secret .ini file Args: config_path (str): path to .cfg file with jinja templating secret_path (str): path to .ini-like secrets file Returns: ProsperConfig: rendered configuration object """ with open(secret_path, 'r') as s_fh: secret_ini = anyconfig.load(s_fh, ac_parser='ini') with open(config_path, 'r') as c_fh: raw_cfg = rendered_cfg = anytemplate.renders(raw_cfg, secret_ini, at_engine='jinja2') p_config = ProsperConfig(config_path) local_config = configparser.ConfigParser() local_config.optionxform = str local_config.read_string(rendered_cfg) p_config.local_config = local_config return p_config
[docs]def check_value( config, section, option, jinja_pattern=JINJA_PATTERN, ): """try to figure out if value is valid or jinja2 template value Args: config (:obj:`configparser.ConfigParser`): config object to read key from section (str): name of section in configparser option (str): name of option in configparser jinja_pattern (:obj:`_sre.SRE_Pattern`): a `re.compile()` pattern to match on Returns: str: value if value, else None Raises: KeyError: configparser.NoOptionError: configparser.NoSectionError: """ value = config[section][option] if re.match(jinja_pattern, value): return None return value
[docs]class ProsperConfig(object): """configuration handler for all prosper projects Helps maintain global, local, and args values to pick according to priority 1. args given at runtile 2. <config_file>_local.cfg -- untracked config with #SECRETS 3. <config_file>.cfg -- tracked 'master' config without #SECRETS 4. environment varabile 5. args_default -- function default w/o global config Args: config_filename (str): path to config local_filepath_override (str, optional): path to alternate private config file Attributes: global_config (:obj:`configparser.ConfigParser`) local_config (:obj:`configparser.ConfigParser`) config_filename (str): filename of global/tracked/default .cfg file local_config_filename (str): filename for local/custom .cfg file """ logger = logging.getLogger('ProsperCommon') def __init__( self, config_filename, local_filepath_override='', ): self.config_filename = config_filename self.local_config_filename = get_local_config_filepath(config_filename) if local_filepath_override: self.local_config_filename = local_filepath_override #TODO: force filepaths to abspaths? self.global_config, self.local_config = get_configs( config_filename, self.local_config_filename, )
[docs] def get( self, section_name, key_name, ): """Replicate configparser.get() functionality Args: section_name (str): section name in config key_name (str): key name in config.section_name Returns: str: do not check defaults, only return local value Raises: KeyError: unable to find option in either local or global config """ value = None try: value = self.local_config.get(section_name, key_name) except Exception as error_msg: self.logger.warning( '%s.%s not found in local config', section_name, key_name ) try: value = self.global_config.get(section_name, key_name) except Exception as error_msg: self.logger.error( '%s.%s not found in global config', section_name, key_name ) raise KeyError('Could not find option in local/global config') return value
[docs] def get_option( self, section_name, key_name, args_option=None, args_default=None, ): """evaluates the requested option and returns the correct value Notes: Priority order 1. args given at runtile 2. <config_file>_local.cfg -- untracked config with #SECRETS 3. <config_file>.cfg -- tracked 'master' config without #SECRETS 4. environment varabile 5. args_default -- function default w/o global config Args: section_name (str): section level name in config key_name (str): key name for option in config args_option (any): arg option given by a function args_default (any): arg default given by a function Returns: str: appropriate response as per priority order """ if args_option != args_default and\ args_option is not None: self.logger.debug('-- using function args') return args_option section_info = section_name + '.' + key_name option = None try: option = check_value(self.local_config, section_name, key_name) self.logger.debug('-- using local config') if option: return option except (KeyError, configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): self.logger.debug('`%s` not found in local config', section_info) try: option = check_value(self.global_config, section_name, key_name) self.logger.debug('-- using global config') if option: return option except (KeyError, configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): self.logger.warning('`%s` not found in global config', section_info) env_option = get_value_from_environment(section_name, key_name, logger=self.logger) if env_option: self.logger.debug('-- using environment value') return env_option self.logger.debug('-- using default argument') return args_default #If all esle fails return the given default
[docs]def get_value_from_environment( section_name, key_name, envname_pad=ENVNAME_PAD, logger=logging.getLogger('ProsperCommon'), ): """check environment for key/value pair Args: section_name (str): section name key_name (str): key to look up envname_pad (str): namespace padding logger (:obj:`logging.logger`): logging handle Returns: str: value in environment """ var_name = '{pad}_{section}__{key}'.format( pad=envname_pad, section=section_name, key=key_name ) logger.debug('var_name=%s', var_name) value = getenv(var_name) logger.debug('env value=%s', value) return value
[docs]def get_configs( config_filepath, local_filepath_override='', ): """go and fetch the global/local configs from file and load them with configparser Args: config_filepath (str): path to config local_filepath_override (str): secondary place to locate config file Returns: ConfigParser: global_config ConfigParser: local_config """ global_config = read_config(config_filepath) local_filepath = get_local_config_filepath(config_filepath, True) if local_filepath_override: local_filepath = local_filepath_override local_config = read_config(local_filepath) return global_config, local_config
[docs]def read_config( config_filepath, logger=logging.getLogger('ProsperCommon'), ): """fetch and parse config file Args: config_filepath (str): path to config file. abspath > relpath logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): logger to catch error msgs """ config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser( interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation(), allow_no_value=True, delimiters=('='), inline_comment_prefixes=('#') ) logger.debug('config_filepath=%s', config_filepath) with open(config_filepath, 'r') as filehandle: config_parser.read_file(filehandle) return config_parser
[docs]def get_local_config_filepath( config_filepath, force_local=False, ): """helper for finding local filepath for config Args: config_filepath (str): path to local config abspath > relpath force_local (bool): force return of _local.cfg version Returns: str: Path to local config, or global if path DNE """ local_config_name = path.basename(config_filepath).split('.')[0] + '_local.cfg' local_config_filepath = path.join(path.split(config_filepath)[0], local_config_name) real_config_filepath = '' if path.isfile(local_config_filepath) or force_local: #if _local.cfg version exists, use it instead real_config_filepath = local_config_filepath else: #else use tracked default real_config_filepath = config_filepath return real_config_filepath